Sport Specific Training

My passion is sports specific training. The in-depth and complex way your body needs to move for each individual sport is fascinating to me. That millimetre adjustments can make all the difference to your progress within your sport of choice. I pay attention to the smallest of details, and am here to help you find the best way to make your body more efficient, quicker, stronger and more mobile for your specific sport. Causing you to improve in your chosen sport and enhance your performance.

I work from grassroots right up to full competition, so whether you're a club level sailor, local runner or national rowing champion, my range of PT skills honed over more than two decades will help push you to new levels of sporting performance.

  • Tailored to individual sports
  • Making adjustments to small details for maximum efficiency
  • Become quicker, stronger, and more mobile
  • Grassroots to full competition
  • Achieve more than you thought possible


Client Testimonials

Samantha P

My family and I are keen skiers and I had become aware that, as I entered my50’s, my fitness and strength levels were deteriorating. Despite attending theSeaton LED gym 3-4 times a week, I knew I was not fit enough for a full week’s skiing with teenage boys. Having damaged my knees in a ski accident a few years previously, I also knew how important strength was to avoid further injury, so I decided to try a Personal Trainer. After my initial assessment, Amanda quickly identified my weaknesses and devised a plan that not only addressed my wishes for fitness and strength but also challenged my muscles under unstable conditions to simulate a skiing environment. The results were amazing. Although I will never ski at the same speed as my sons, I can now ski with them all day and every day of our holidays. Thank you.

Please note, you must have an assessment before any personal training.

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