Personal Training for Weight Loss

Weight loss is a mathematical equation; however sometimes our own bodies hinder our progress. I can help with weight loss and guide you to make better choices and support you on this journey. Remember 80% mouth to 20% movement. You cannot out train a bad diet! But you do not need to spend money on fad diets either. Better lifestyle choices, people to motivate you and more education is all you need.

So why train at AF?

I have helped someone who has been where you are. 25 years in this industry has given me the greatest privilege of working with all types of people. I can help you and I am dedicated to supporting you. Whatever your goals or needs. Want to be the best you can be? You can!

I personally have struggled in the past with finding the time; the motivation and just the attitude and mindset of keeping active. Struggling with convenient food over good food; low moods and grumpiness? It can be hard, but you can get there, with my help.

  • Working on body and mind
  • Helping you make better choices
  • Individually tailored to your needs
  • Lose the weight
  • Keep the weight off


Client Testimonials

Asiah D

I joined Amanda’s fitness at my very lowest, with a weight goal that I needed to achieve to continue with IVF treatment, a goal I thought was unreachable. Amanda made me comfortable from word go, and that’s exactly how it has continued. Amanda tailored a PT programme around me, and enabled me with the information and knowledge I needed to make nutritional changes too.

I hit my goal after - weeks, but I’ve gained more than just that, I have my confidence back, and I’m now part of a community, where there is zero judgment and a whole lot of love. Amanda always says that ‘you did all the hard work’, but I can honestly say, I wouldn’t have achieved it without her!

Please note, you must have an assessment before any personal training.

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